Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CCCC Choir

We need your voice to help fill out our Choir here at CCCC.  I know there are a lot of people out there that LOVE to sing, but would never consider getting up in front of the entire church and sing a solo into a microphone - - that's why we have the choir.  The choir is a place where you can let your voice be heard...along with a bunch of other people!

There is no audition necessary.  Just come to the rehearsals every other week and then sing at the services when they are scheduled.  We will use the choir to help lead worship at Christmas Services,  Easter Services, a couple of Gatherings a year and a few other Sundays a year too.

How do sign up?  I'm glad you asked!

Email our choir director and let her know you are interested and she will set you up.  Her name is Lara Fulcher and you can email her at Lara260973@hotmail.com .

Hope to see you at the next rehearsal!