Thursday, December 10, 2009

Welcome To The Clear Creek Music Blog

Welcome to the Clear Creek Community Church Music Ministry Blog! It's our desire that this blog becomes another useful resource for you on your journey to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. We will be posting our song set-lists here as well as the background to choosing specific songs and how to prepare well to worship corporately on Sundays. We will also be posting updates to what's happening in the music ministry, behind the scenes outtakes, worship devotionals, and relevant podcast interviews with other church staff and worship leaders. Please check out the other music ministry pages as well if you want to get involved, find out more about us, or download the songs we will be singing on Sunday's, at The Gathering, or original songs we've written.

We would also love to hear from you - so please feel free to comment on any post you find here. Read on to find out more about the music ministry here at CCCC.

Our Vision
Our vision is to see the people of Clear Creek Community Church actively engage in worshiping God in spirit and in truth. We want to sing songs that are filled with sound doctrine, songs that make us think about what it is that we are singing about, and, in so doing, affect the deepest emotions of our heart. (John 4:24,Titus 1:9, Romans 8:26, Psalm 100, Psalm 150)

Our Mission
Our mission is to see unchurched people become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

What Is Worship?
We believe that worship is so much more than music. Worship is our response to who God is and what He has done for us. We worship God as we live our lives in obedience to His word and submission to His will. The Bible tells us that EVERYTHING that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31) should be done to bring glory to God! It does not matter whether you are eating or drinking, it does not matter if you are driving to work or paying bills - every part of our life is to be an act of worship bringing glory to God. Yes - singing songs to God is a part of worship in a christians life and the Bible commands us to do so (Psalm 66:1-2), but we believe that worship is more than what happens for one hour on a Sunday morning.

The songs we sing have been selected very carefully and prayerfully. The message of the song is what is most important. It does not matter what style of music we play. The instruments we use to play the songs is secondary. Whether the song is old or new or upbeat or slow are all of secondary importance. The primary issue is the message of the song. All of the songs we sing must be scriptural! The songs we sing teach doctrine and theology - and we want to be sure that the people of Clear Creek are singing God's word into their lives. We do this by choosing songs that exalt the Triune God as we respond to the glorious Gospel through His Son - Jesus Christ. We believe that worship is not about satisfying our personal preferences or desires, it is not about evoking some emotion or - ultimately - about bringing personal enjoyment - though all of those things may at times happen as we worship God - No! - we believe that worship is an end unto itself. We worship God because He is worthy of worship (Revelation 4:10-11)! He is our only hope - and He is, because of what He accomplished for us on the cross.

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